Our website uses cookies to improve your user experience


Websites use technology called cookies.

Cookie is a numeric tag, which is saved to your browser as an anonymous browser-specific small file. Cookies don’t harm your device nor files. With cookies we won’t be able to get to your hard disk and they won’t install any viruses.

We use third party cookies, such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel, on our website. With these we are able to collect data about the browser and device you are using as well as what your interests are.

We use cookies to develop and target our services – cookies help us know that you’ve visited our website before and are interested in us. Cookies can also be uesd to target marketing and advertising, so that you’ll see advertisements that actually interest you.

With the buttons below, you may decide whether you want all cookies or only the necessary ones for the website to work. If you only choose the necessary ones, we won’t be able to develop our services to be more suitable for you.

If you want to change the cookie settings for Google, you can do it here and for Facebook here

